Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Plea

What if I asked God if it's okay for me to die
Would He tell me to just deal with the suffering inside
I want Him to say yes and let my life go
To ease this pain deep within my soul
I want to see the Angels take me from this place
To live in Heaven where I know I will be safe
Ease my pain God, take all this away from me
Let me live with You for all eternity
I want to stay here and listen to Your choirs sing
I want to soar above the Earth with my golden wings
This is my plea God,give my heart some peace
Let my body and mind have it's final sleep
Is it too much to ask You for this little favor
To be able to live in Your Kingdom forever
I know You're thinking that it's not my time yet
But I feel my heart and mind are so tired and spent
So God, if You're listening to the questions I'm asking
please find it in Your heart to answer me and quickly
I'll wait patiently for You to consider my pleas
Until I hear from You I'll keep on going and die in my dreams

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